Mini Training Opportunities Day – CANCELLED

Quick info

Saturday 22nd April 2023 - Saturday 22nd April 2023

Due to low numbers this training has unfortunately had to be cancelled.

A day to network, catch-up and to improve your skills with other leaders from the County.

Refreshments – drinks available on arrival, mid-moring and lunch time. Please bring your own packed lunch.

Food allergies: please let us know for the pastries provided at mid-morning.

Parking is available at the school and car share if possible.

Mobility: please let us know if you have any mobility requirements.

Sessions: – there will be 3 sessions of 90 mins. You will be able to make your choice in the booking process.

Session 1 9.45am – 11.30am

A 1 First Response Module 1 (practical)

A 2 Safe Space Level 3 (over 2 sessions)

A 3 Mentoring

A 4 Programme

Session 2 11.30am – 1.00pm

B 1 Ready Steady GO!

B 2 Safe Space Level 3 (over 2 sessions)

B 3 Residential adventures

Session 3 1.30pm – 3pm

C 1 First Response Module 1 (practical)

C 2 Programme

C 3 Learning platform


You will need to book by Eventbrite using the link given below and separately pay £5.00 to secure your place to our Guide Association Essex West account with Barclays, no cash will be accepted.

Once booked you will receive an Eventbrite confirmation attaching a PDF which will be your chosen options.

Please register as soon as possible


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